Example of analysis,
$ sudo docker pull akiomiyao/ped
$ sudo docker run -w /ped -v `pwd`:/work akiomiyao/ped perl download.pl accession=SRR7967955,wd=/work
$ sudo docker run -w /ped -v `pwd`:/work akiomiyao/ped perl check_length.pl accession=SRR7967955,wd=/work
$ sudo docker run -w /ped -v `pwd`:/work akiomiyao/ped perl ped.pl target=SRR7967955,ref=Bsubtilis,clipping=150,wd=/work
Copy and paste commands described above to your terminal window, change values of accession, target and clipping, and run.
Both the ped.pl script and the docker container can be run on Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services.